They’re letting their giant dog sleep and play with their newborn! This dog is huge, probably weighs as much as I do! Is this normal?! The moment my daughter had the baby,…
Category: Pets Stories
Pets Stories
A newly adopted stray dog saved the life of a newborn baby in the middle of the night
One family, The Robinsons, had a 6-year-old son, and when the wife ended up being pregnant with their second child, they decided to move to a bigger house in a remote area…
The Sorrowful And Lonely Pup Who Waited In The Rain For Days Is Overjoyed To Reunite With His Owner
Being separated from the arms of their beloved human is one of the biggest heartbreaks that a dog can experience. A canine who spent days on a roadside in the heavy rain…
Pup Surrendered To The Same Shelter 6 Years After Being Adopted Found His New Family A Couple Hours Later
I’m pretty sure that, by now, we all know how important family is to our furry friends. They don’t just see us as their owners, we are their favorite hoomans, their family,…
Vet Reassures Foster Mom That Her Dog Is Not Pregnant, Then Comes A Surprise
Cheesecake was a little stray wandering around Oklahoma until she was rescued by a rescue called A Friend of Jack. After some time, a woman named Iliana Broad heard that this sweet…
She thought dog was full of bites – then vet looks closer and calls the police
Sadly, there are many people out there who should never be allowed to own or be near animals. Some year ago, Hayden Howard noticed that something wasn’t right with her dog. Her…
Bear Has been Freed from The Circus Spending There 25 Years! Look at His Adorable Reaction In The Video!
Circus animals have to endure a lot. Their place is in the in their natural habitat. Toshka has lived through that dreadful time in his life, and now, 25 years later, he…
Little Boy Brings Food To Beggar & His Dog Daily, One Day Boy Sees Dog Barking On His Doorstep – Story Of The Day
A policeman’s son befriends a homeless man and his dog and brings them food every day. Then the dog appears unexpectedly and alerts him to an injustice.At twelve, Brian Devlin was small for…
Crocodile catched little elephant’s trunk when he was drinking a water! See what happened after
After a crocodile threatened to bite off baby elephant’s trunk, he had a lucky escape thanks to his mother’s assistance. Baby elephant had been swimming all around deep end of the pool…
Matted Dog Ceaselessly Glares At Cars For 2 Years Hoping Her Owner Returns
This unfortunate pup was abandoned, something that no animal should have to go through. She was abandoned in a run-down home with a barred gate when her owner passed away. It was…