Judge Judy Sheindlin, a prominent figure in television known for her commanding presence and sharp wit, has faced numerous legal battles throughout her career. However, nothing could have prepared her for the frightening health scare she experienced during a live performance in 2011. Now, as the executive producer of her new show, Judy Justice, she reflects on the ordeal that momentarily halted her usually unstoppable momentum.
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A Frightening Incident on Stage
During an interview with Good Morning America, Judy recounted the terrifying experience, revealing that she believed she may have suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA), commonly known as a mini-stroke. The incident occurred unexpectedly while she was performing in front of her audience. She expressed immense gratitude to the quick-thinking audience members who noticed something was wrong and called for paramedics immediately. “If they had asked me, I probably would have discouraged them,” Judy admitted, highlighting how vital their intervention was at the time.